Monday, February 9, 2009

The Sarasota Connection & Intros

So Nicole and I found ourselves wondering, "Why, exactly, do we NOT have a blog?" I mean, we're both interested in pop culture (and by "interested" we mean "OH DEAR GOD. WE LOVE IT!") and politics (same reaction applies). Plus, we've talked about it before, but never really acted out on it. So yeah. We decided, "Why not? We'll find what we write funny," and thus, we give you our blog. Jointly written whenever we feel like sitting down together to discuss what happened in our lives that day.

Let's start with some basic introductions:

Hi there. *waves* I'm Mia. As of this moment, I am 19 and a freshman at USF. I'm a Pre-Mass Communications major and next year, I'll start my magazine journalism track. I'm obsessive about Harry Potter, the fashion industry, and British Alternative bands. I dress rather snazzily, if I do say so myself, and Nicole plans on hiring me as her stylist when she runs for public office. Any questions? Fabulous. Nicole's turn!

I've been told that I am a combination of Fergie and Jesus, but I'll leave that for you to decide. I prefer to think of myself as a combination of a jedi master and 1/3 of the Clinton dynasty. I'm a freshman at USF(with Mia) and am majoring in Political Science. Obsessions include: The Clintons, Harry Potter, Disney Drama, RDJ, Marie Antoinette, Dancing....all forms, and many other things that we will get into much later.

So now you may find yourself wondering, "What IS The Sarasota Connection, Mia and Nicole? Is it like Six Degrees of Separation? That crazy game with Kevin Bacon?" All of these questions shall be answered. Starting now:

The Sarasota Connection: we don't know what exactly causes it, or who it affects, but for some reason that Nicole and I have yet to discover, the boys who come out of Sarasota (specifically, the boys from Sarasota who attend USF) have some magic in them. Magic that attracts not only Nicole and myself, but our friend, First Mate*, as well. It's quite a conundrum and we're putting all of our scientological resources to work (we have a Mole amongst them. The truth will be revealed!) and, thus far, we suspect some crazy, cancer-inducing growth horomones in the milk. We just pray to god that that doesn't come back and haunt us with some busted looking men in the not-so-distant future. Our repsective fingers are crossed.

It's like my (Mia's) mom said, "That's SO incestual!" And, Mother, you would be right in this occassion, except for none of that whole "Oh-Sweet-Jesus!-I'm-attracted-to-my-sister/cousin/brother/West Virginia-style" nonsense. We swear. Or, we hope. :/ But it all started way back in first semester where I (Mia) stumbled upon Lumberjack. Only, he wasn't like that when I first saw him. I swear. He was legit hot. Like, ridonkulously hot. But anyhoodle, beyond all of that, the point is is that he's from Sarasota. How do I know this? I'm observant like that, bitches. I can read, and it was on a shirt. So there's number one.

Numero Two: another boy my friend, Curly Cue, and I stumbled upon thanks to multiple encounters at the dining halls. We shall call him With Honors. Interest fades with Curly Cue, but we knew enough about him to learn that he was also from Sarasota. How? We had lunch with him a bunch of times. Questions were asked, information was gleaned.

Number Tres: First Mate met someone recently that is friends with Lumberjack. First Mate likes Friend of Lumberjack. They went to high school together.

Number Four: Curly Cue has a current boy toy that LIVES in the same dorm as Lumberjack. B t dubs, this guy doesn't live in Sarasota. He's the odd man out. Weird.

Number Cinco: Nicole likes one of my friends, who we shall refer to as Granite. Granite comes from Sarasota, but did not go to high school with any of the aforementioned boys.

In conclusion, Nicole and I have formulated a theory that we have named The Sarasota Connection.

Theory: there is some crazy-ass food/drink/something in the city of Sarasota (or in Sarasota county, in general...) that causes the boys who come from there to give off this weird, ray-beam-esque attraction thingy that causes Nicole, myself, and our friends to go all loopy at the sheer thought of these boys. Our solution: WE'RE MOVING TO SARASOTA, YA'LL!!

Answers to our previously asked questions: Explained above, maybe, and yes; such a strange game.

And so, we give you the conclusion to our first entry. We hope you enjoyed it. There shall be plenty more to come.

(* <-- Denotes changed names.)

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